The goals of a benefit party are to raise money and, at the same time, to raise a little heck. Not too much. Dignity to the end, my dears.
Kevin and Alteza Ahart
Glitz meets both goals. The second annual rally for OutYouth picked up almost $100,000 at last count. And, while I was there, folks were having a time poolside at Anne and Cord Shiflet’s home in hilly Rob Roy.
The black-hatted guys with Texas Jacobson Avian
Here, gays, lesbians and their straight friends gathered in fairly equal numbers. A fair number of them from the real estate field. They mingled inside the pool house, by the outdoor lounge area and, of course, alongside the swim-up bar.
To this date, your social columnist has never ordered a drink from the water side of a swim-up bar. The day will come.
Karen Liddy and Melissa Paretti
Last year, at the Shiflet’s behest, the most hardy guests jumped fully clothed into the large, deep pool. If a soaking happened this year, I missed it. Sometimes it takes just a little heck to keep me happy.